Yesterday, I left Knoxville and drove 3 hours to Fort Campbell to say with our friends the Kitson's. Jake was 2 years ahead of Brant in dental school at UAB and is doing kind of the same thing Brant is doing with the military except he's with the Army. Jake is with a special forces unit and will be depoloyed to Afghanistan this February for a few months. Jake is married to Erika who is a stay at home mom with their two cuties - Madison and Jacob. I got to their house a little after lunch time and the kids were about to go down for a nap. Erika and I got to spend a nice afternoon chatting about military life, kids, and moving. It was really nice to be able to talk to her since she's been through everything Brant and I are about to go through (not the kids part :) haha) When the kids woke up from their nap, I got to play with them for awhile - which I LOVED! Brant warned Jake and Erika efore I got there to keep an eye on me because I might try to smuggle one of their kids into my bag! Jake got home from work and they cooked a wonderful steak dinner which was a treat since we'll be eating out on the road for the next few weeks! We had a little time to hang out after dinner with the kids before they hit the sack and we weren't very far behind! I left their house this morning and am headed to Misour
ri to stay with Travis and Amy! I am currently at a McDonald's in West City, Illinois because they have FREE WiFi!!! Yay!! Brant graduated from COT this morning and is on his way back to Anderson. He's flying out of Greenville early tomorrow morning and I'm picking him up in Kansas City at 11:30 - can't wait!! Thanks Jake and Erica!!!
PS - this is Jake being a good dentist dad and flossing Madison's teeth before she goes to bed :)